August 2021 Longzhou News - Olympic Edition




In this edition

・In this edition
Message from Mike - Sound of the Drum
Something has been missing from my life for far too long, as I expect it has also been missing for you. It is the sound of the drums beating as dragon boats race to the finishing line.

・Dragon Boat & the Olympics
With the excitement of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics still in the air, one question the dragon boat community has been asking is why our sport is not in the Olympics? We discuss the history of the Olympic Games and how dragon boating would fit in.

・Road to IOC Recognition
Achieving IOC recognition has been a long and challenging journey for the IDBF. We've created an infographic to help the dragon boat community understand and to support the cause.

・Tokyo 2020 Statement
As the founding governing body of a sport that is seeking recognition by the IOC, we have provided Olympic level leadership to the development of Dragon Boat sport since 1991.

・Anti-Doping Education
The first experience of Anti-Doping for any athlete should be through education and not at a testing station. Read about IDBF's compliance responsibilites and what WADA educational resources are available.
