2017 Grand Masters and Great Grand Masters



オーストラリアのメルボルンのDragon Masters というチームから2017年にメルボルンで開催されるマスターズチームのチャンピオン大会に参加しませんかと案内が届いています。


My club, Dragon Masters, is a team of Premier, Grand Masters and Great Grand Masters (we have a number of over 60 year old members who are very strong paddlers and who have represented Australia in international championships). We are very enthusiastic about competing in Japan and would prefer to compete in the larger boats (20 paddlers) rather than the small boats (10 paddlers).

I would like to suggest your championship to our club for our 2017 international regatta experience and would also like to know of any other regatta which you may think would be of interest to us.

Thank you very much for your help.